February 06, 2018


From Finite, (c) 2002 

All night Raoul and I postulated the Unified Field Theory
which would synthesize
Quantum Physics with the Theory of Relativity.
Raoul was a little weak in physics and after six beers
my imagination constipates so we ended up
half-heartedly fucking on the living room floor.

Our next goal was to quantify the meaning of existence. 
We weren’t certain if all this blood, muscle and mucus
was the essence or merely comprised a complex vessel for the soul,
(and what, after all, constitutes the soul?).
We couldn’t even determine where the Universe ended,
if it indeed ended.  What possibly exists beyond it?
Didn’t god die?

I aimed for immortality through Art
but Raoul declared that the replication of his DNA
mated with mine into offspring was all the meaning he needed. 
Since this muse was the only lay I’d had in months
I neglected to mention my tubal ligation.
We didn’t stand a chance.

Christ!  The Universe used to be a metaphor.
Now it’s being rebuilt mathematically.
Even lifting the most advanced concepts
from psychology, theology and art
I’m at a loss.  I don’t grasp conical Geometry
let alone tensor Calculus.
Some nights even touching Raoul is more a question
than the desired answer of

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