November 14, 2021

Tarot: The Star

 (c) 11/14/2021

The Star is undeniable beauty

and is surrounded by lesser orbs,

by flowers, birds, even glossy-backed beetles,

and fuzzy bees.


The star balances jugs of water the way

the mature among us balance our emotions

preferring neither one or the other.


I was a star once, up on stage

and in one hand I held a pitcher of fear and anxiety

and leaned forward to hold back the nausea

while in the other hand I held a pitcher of gratitude and self-love.

For a moment I was bright and beautiful.


Somedays the bucket of fear weighs more

than my meagre gratitude can balance.

So much resentment for other things moves in

like earthworms doubling up

eating away the resolve to love myself.

Other days, I shine.

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