March 06, 2022

Tarot: King of Wands

 3/6/2022 (c)  for Charlie

Well, I’d hardly say he’s effeminate though he is dapper

applying a grand expression to his clothes

from  his lint-free top hat to his well-shined shoes

and all the accoutrements in between.

His glasses are special, almost magic,

they way everything he sees is imbued by his own curiosity

and a yearning to understand.

Whether he has chosen to write Dada poems,

or to paint a surreal story on canvas,

or even to give a PowerPoint presentation at work,

he is a consummate communicator.

He burns brightly. Sometimes he is too much;

an over-achiever that is often harrowing to follow

no matter how inspiring his endeavors are.

I tried to love him once. I was so young, naïve, and unskilled.

There was little space for my ideas and even less for me.

And like a lion in it’s grandiosity

he had plenty enough of wild cats in his pride.

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