March 06, 2022

Tarot: Queen of Wands

 3/6/2022 (c) p.s. currently not caring about line breaks.

The Queen of Wands is not sensual so much as sexual

She is fecund and if nature rearranged itself

the queen could birth babies until the cows came home.

You don’t have to seduce her. She knows exactly what she wants

and if she doesn’t want you, you will know it,

though you will still feel your loveliness

and not think of it as rejection.


How sun lights upon her face! Does she wear a halo?

Maybe. For a time. Orion imbues her

with an otherworldly glow so bright

she can paint, dance, or write by her light.

Sometimes she sprouts an avian head

or wings that are luxurious as fur

wrapped around her shoulders.

She can take you along as she rises to moonlit heights.


The Queen radiates magic and keeps an assortment of masks

which she applies with such cunning that you will thank her.


The Queen holds her scepter—

a wand hewn from the mustard tree

because all great things come from small beginnings--

held slightly aware from her torso

pointing to all the possibility in the world,

pointing to the road you should follow

to find the innate exquisiteness of your own inner beauty.

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