March 23, 2016

Destination: Elsewhere

(c) 2008

What I need is for the bus to come on time,
or early, or late, just whatever will best meet
my punctuality, my procrastination, my need
to make a connection, to get somewhere, someplace else,
some destination that today feels right, feels legitimate,
feels like it will stave off insecurities or inconveniences
caused by waiting, by brooding at the god damn bus stop;
which seems to me to be an apt metaphor of my life,
waiting and the desire to move; frustrated
by my wilting agency to buy, to maintain, to insure
my own automobile, my own decisions,
my own job choices or lack of choices,
waiting for situations to improve,
for any action, any thought, any emotion,
that is straightforward, a feasible line
between point A and point B, a near-linear narrative
to help order my desires, waiting
for the magical moment, for the poetic moment,
the tempestuous lover, the good man
who will be good to me. For the ideal driver.

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